I aim to release one video a week so check back often or subscribe on YouTube! My YouTube channel
Fossil penguin prep questions answered
Fossils and maybe some treasure - exploring a remote beach
How to spot a fossil in a rock #crab #fossil #geology
A beautiful, crystal filled, nautiloid fossil. ~10 million years old #fossil #crystals
How do I not damage the fossil when preparing it #fossil #shark #mystery
Mystery fossil traces - an unknown animal made this
Impostor fossil #fossil #geology
This rock contains a mystery fossil #fossil #geology #mystery #paleontology
Fossils, gold and something very special - West Coast fossil adventure
Fossil hunting and a few mystery fossils prepped [New Zealand]
My best fossil finds of 2024 - new footage
Unboxing 60 year old fossil collection and a new 3D printer
Fossil road trip: Christchurch to Dunedin - finding some great fossils in New Zealand
From the beach to a museum, prepping a 6 million year old fossil lobster 🦞 #fossil #science
Awesome shark vertebrae cluster 🦈 #fossil #shark #science
Fossil Crab Prep - cleaning a sticky crab for display
HUGE fossil bones discovered
Fossil penguin throwback - my best fossil discovery #fossil #rare #penguin #science
A nice dolphin skull - two days of fossil hunting
Throwback to my first ever fossil crab prep #tbt #fossil #discovery
Fossil hunter discovers a 300+ pound fossil skull
Fossil skull - let's flip it over and hope it doesn't break
Fossil skull prep - even more teeth exposed
Finding a large fossil skull with teeth
Inside this rock is a 55 million year old fossil #fossil #rock #satisfying #science
Freeing a ~55 million year old crab from a rock #fossil #science #paleontology #satisfying
Lost fossil footage
Fossil news: Moa footprints found by Julian Thomson and Bruce Hayward
Rare basilosaurus tooth find in New Zealand
Fossil find and prep, my first lobster attempt #fossil #paleontology #geology
Mamlambo Fossils is live!
Fossil crab - removing ALL the rock [~12 million years old]
1-ton dinosaur-aged fossil - a rescue mission
Mystery fossil find investigation
Come check out my fossil workshop #museum #waikuku #newzealand new
Mystery bone! Finding dinosaur aged fossils on a remote beach in New Zealand
Fossil prepping disaster
Fossil Adventures in New Zealand - talking fossils at The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
First display done! the prep process is shown on the screen behind the fossil
Dinosaur-aged tooth prep - is it a plesiosaur?
Plesiosaur bone cross section, roughly 80 million years old #fossil #not #dinosaur #newzealand
Let's build a extinct bird - and a HUGE announcement!
Mystery fossil reveal - will it be a tooth, skull or a weird crab
Revealing two MYSTERY fossils - a weekend adventure in New Zealand
X-ray reveals a hidden fossil
Stuck fossil release, I put the little snail back in the water #fossil #Stuck #discovery
A beautiful fossil prepped by mother nature #fossil #science #paleontology
Bone cluster! New Zealand fossil road trip day 3 - Invercargill to Oamaru incl Dunedin museum
Fossil crab out of the matrix #fossil #reveal #science
Fossil road trip day 2: Dunedin to Invercargill and Bluff (New Zealand) - So much petrified wood!
Fossil Hunting Road Trip Day 1 - Christchurch to Dunedin
How to tell there is a fossil in this rock 🦀 #fossil #crab #science #paleontology
Plesiosaur fossils - peek into my dinosaur-aged, fossil bone collection from New Zealand
I found a big shark tooth in a rainstorm #fossil #sharktooth #rain
I found and prepped a fossil crayfish - my first ever prep attempt on a scampi
How to become a palaeontologist - we hear from 12 professionals about their journey
we might have a skull! Bony toothed bird update #fossil #bird #skull
2023 Fossil Highlights and Pelagornis beak update [Back to University!]
A year ago I finished the fossil penguin and thought that was the pinnacle... 🐧 🐢 💀
Fossil prep: I discovered a fossil bird with teeth! (Pelagornis?)
My first fossil to be published! A new #shark species for New Zealand #aotearoa #fossil #science
A perfect little fossil urchin washed up on an Aussie beach #fossil #australia #beach
Australia fossil adventure: diving for fossil shark teeth
Fossil shark tooth amongst the seaweed #fossil #australia #beach
Double fossil shark tooth find and prep
New fossil spot reveals large fossil crab 🦀 #fossil #aotearoa #nature #geology
Fiji fossil adventure - looking for fossils in a tropical island paradise
Ammonite fossil prep and some great mailbag items from across the world
Rare fossil discovered and CT scanned to reveal hidden bones #fossil #discovery #science
Arlong's nose as a fossil - a rare sawshark rostrum with teeth and cartilage
Heavy rain, flooding and some awesome fossil finds including a potential jaw section
Awesome fossil crab, prepped by mother nature #fossil #aotearoa #secret
Exploring 3 rivers, prepping 2 fossil teeth [Fossil Hunt and Fossil Prep]
Surprise fossil find under a rock #fossil #aotearoa
Fossil 3D scanning - how to make a 3D model in 15 minutes [3Dmakerpro Seal]
Plesiosaur fossil find and prep: looking for some dinosaur age fossils [prep included!]
Cool beach fossil find #fossils #beach #newzealand
Rarest Fossil Find - First Flying Bird From This Area [missing skull solved]
200lbs+ fossil crab rock #fossils #monster #rockhound #geology
Enormous fossil crab concretion #fossils #rare #beach
X-raying a fossil skull to create a 3D model and then print it
25+ hours to reveal a fossil hiding in a rock #fossils #geology #secret
Golden fossil unboxing #fossils #geology #hidden
Golden crab unboxing #fossil #science #newzealand #geology
Mystery fossil bone cluster discovered and some amazing dinosaur artwork from local students
Large fossil found at sunset #fossil #nature #hidden #aotearoa
Huge fossil skull! 4 million year old fossil revealed [My rarest fossil yet - New Zealand]
Turtle skull prep is done! now to edit all that footage 😄 #fossil #prep #science
Fossil hunting New Zealand road trip 2023 - Day 1
Prepping a penguin, fish, turtle, and crab [current prep projects]
How to find a fossil crab #fossils #crab #beach #treasure
Using AI to identify fossils and fossil turtle update [New Zealand forams]
Did something bite this fossil turtle? #fossil #science #mystery
Exploring a secluded New Zealand river [fossil hunting]
Fossil turtle skull update after acid bath #fossil #skull #turtle #science
Golden leg fossil prep - Makers' Challenge 2023
100k giveaway winner [electric engraver and ammonites]
Turtle skull prep update, we have a beak! 🐢 #fossil #turtle #prep #newzealand
Mystery rare vertebra - how did it end up on this beach? [cretaceous creature]
Fossil hunting on the beach: I find some cool treasures washed up on the rocks
A very nice fossil crab peeking out of a concretion #fossil #crab #claw #newzealand
Triple fossil crab find - my first ever! #fossil #rare #aotearoa
630 hours to 3D print a life-size, extinct mega bird from New Zealand [Little bush moa]
It took me 2 months to reveal this huge fossil bone #fossil #dinosaur #plesiosaur #reptile #nz
Micro air abrasion fossil prep on a weird crab [Vaniman Problast]
Perfect fossil crab still in the cliff - about 10 to 12 million years old #fossil #crab #geology
Tiniest fossil bone #fossil #geology #science #nz
Neutron scan of fossil rock reveals hidden teeth [x-ray on steroids]
Largest predators in the world...EVER! Amazing Australian fossils [paleontologist Ben Francischelli]
Rainy day fossil hunting on a secluded beach [huge fossil bones, skull?]
Monster fossil crab I found on the beach, it will take about 200 hours to remove the rock #fossil
100k giveaway: Beware of scammers - I don't use telegram
Mamlambo Fossil 100k subscriber giveaway [prep your own fossils]
208 hours to remove the rock from a 12 million year old crab #fossil #geology #science #dinosaur
Prepping a 180 million year old Yorkshire ammonite [fossil prep time-lapse]
3d printing the life size moa progress #fossil #femur #science #nz #moa
Fossil rock lobster washed up on the beach #Fossil #lobster #science #geology
Fossil hunting on a beach - I find and polish a broken fossil crab [calcite veins]
I only realized how rare this dinosaur age fossil was after prepping it
~12 million year old fossil crab in a rockpool 🦀 #fossil #crab #claw #science
Fossil prepping takes patience to not damage the bone #fossil #turtle #science #acid #prep #geology
~4 million year old fossil crab turned to fool's gold #fossil #geology #paleontology
How to prep a fossil crab [entry level scribe compared]
Middens in New Zealand are protected #newzealand #archeology
Fossil turtle skull prep progress 🐢 #fossil #rare #geology
I found a fossilized great white shark tooth [plus a mystery bone]
Pyritized fossil crab 3D model creation (MagicSwift Plus 3D scanner)
Late Miocene fossil crab in a rock #fossil #crab #paleontology #nz
A look into my fossil collection
Fossil turtle skull prep update #fossil #paleontology #science
Great white shark tooth fossil #fossil #shark #greatwhite #nz
Did I just find a fossil skull? [prep time-lapse included]
Fossil crayfish that I found on a beach in New Zealand #fossil #beach #nz #geology
Moa (extinct bird) skull 3D reference print - should I print the whole moa? [Ender 3 V2 Neo print]
5 months of work to reveal this fossil penguin #fossil #reveal #geology #paleontology
Fossil Talk feat the Fossil Penguin
5 Best fossil finds of 2022 [the year of the penguin]
My first golden fossil prep [~6 million year old pyritized crab]
Rare fossil penguin found after 5 years of searching [new species?]
Who doesn't want a golden fossil crab for Christmas #fossil #gold
Final stages of the penguin prep #fossil #reveal #nz
Fossil mailbag December 2022
Mystery bone cluster in the clay - hopefully it's something like a skull [ancient seabed fossils]
Fossil ear bone #fossil #geology
A mystery scapula I found yesterday #fossil #unknown #science
How to find a fossil crab 🦀 #fossil #paleontology #rockhounding
Fossil Hunting in New Zealand with Dr Nic Rawlence [where to find fossils and the ethics]
Fossil crab exposed, removing the most rock I've ever attempted #fossil #unboxing
Awesome fossil crab hiding in a rockpool #fossil #crab #geology
Dinosaur age vertebra hiding under some rocks #fossil #plesiosaur
Large, mystery fossil bone encased in rock removed using acid (Fossil prep time-lapse)
Plesiosaurus vertebrae cluster fossil prep and fossil Christmas tree [~80 million year old find]
Another fossil skull - it could be the missing piece! [rare marlin fossil]
one of my best fossils from the location #fossil #geology #paleontology
How much do I earn from my YouTube channel [actual amount revealed]
Fossil penguin prep progress post #fossil #penguin #short 🐧 🐧 🐧
Crystal filled nautiloid fossil #fossil #crystal #nz
A fossil reveal #fossil #rock #paleontology
A chill fossil hunt with a cool shark find
my biggest crab concretion #fossil #rare
How to make your very own high-quality fossil crab
Fossil mystery solved: I reveal what was in that 80lbs rock
This fossil crab prepped itself 🦀 #fossil #paleontology
Mystery fossil: I might have found another rare fossil
Rare obsidian Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton at Auckland Museum and comparison to a Moa
Petrified wood in the river bed #fossil #rockhound
Nautilus fossil encased in rock #short #fossil #beach beach
Find of a lifetime: I discovered huge fossil teeth and now they are radioactive
Fossil crab being eroded out of the cliff 🦀 #fossil #science
A freshly washed up fossil crab, roughly 12 million years old 🦀 #fossil #short #beach beach
Removing all the rock from a fossil crab 🦀 #shorts #fossil
I found a mystery fossil skull washed up on a remote beach in New Zealand - there was bone showing!
How to tell if a fossil crab is hiding in a rock 🦀 #shorts #fossil
Rare fossil marlin skull - 50 million years old discovery #shorts #fossil #skull
How do I know there's a fossil in a rock 🦀 #short #fossil
50lbs MONSTER fossil crab prep with commentary - 208 hours - 12 million year old giganteus crab
Fossil clues on the outside of the rock #shorts #fossil #hidden 🦕
Fossil shark tooth embedded in a cliff #fossil #shark 🦈
3D scanning my fossil plesiosaur vertebra (Revopoint POP 2 unboxing)
Mystery Miocene fossil I found recently #fossil #mystery
Missing penguin bone 🐧 #fossil #newzealand
Cutest little fossil - exploring a remote beach for fossils (fossil hunting New Zealand)
80 million year old mega shark vertebra 🦈 #short #fossil
15 hours to free this fossil crab 🦀 #shorts #fossil
My 5 most rare fossil shark finds (shark week 2022)
I found a giant 40lbs red and yellow jasper in the river #short #rockhound
Mountain fossils - looking for fossils in the mountains of Canterbury, New Zealand
Throwback to my first ever set of #fossil ear bones - they're at Te Papa museum now #short 🐳
2 months of work in 1 minute - 80 million year old plesiosaur vertebra revealed 🦕🦖
Fossil hunting in New Zealand - forams under the new microscope (microfossils)
Fossil Penguin Prep: Episode 2 - I found a leg and wing!
200 hours of prep on this 12 million year fossil crab #short #fossil
Patreon bonus video: my first ever double fossil crab! Fossil hunting in New Zealand
Penguin prep livestream
🦀 How I find fossil crabs 🦀 #short #fossil
Fossil penguin prep - Episode 1: exposing the sternum
🐧 Fossil penguin update, 8 hours in #fossil #penguin 🐧
Fossil hunter finds 12 million year old fossil ear
Tiny fossil crab in a big rock 🦀 #short #fossil
Fossil prep: This large fossil shell was stuck in a clay cliff - let's see what it looks like
#short Finding a beautiful fossil nautiloid with the chambers visible #fossil #newzealand
Fossil spider crab preparation with a bonus crab sneaking in
Golden fossil crab! 🦀💎💛
I found a rare fossil penguin after 3 years of searching! Fossil hunting adventure.
Fossil crab filled with crystals 🦀💎 It glows!
I found a weird fossil on the beach and prepped it to figure out what it was, also mailbag time
Revealing a hidden fossil crab using an air scribe #short #fossil #throwback
Revealing a monster claw #short One of my first ever preps
This rock might be packed full of rare fossil teeth! A find of a lifetime
How I acid prep fossils using vinegar 9acetic acid) and a bunch of time
A nice cretaceous vertebra from a marine reptile #short #fossil #marine #beach
Prepping a mystery 12 million year old fossil bone block I found on a beach (Maker's Challenge)
Huge fossil find - fossil hunting in a secluded river for ancient fossils
Fossil hunter finds potential fossil skull (bonus mailbag)
Fossil crab - how did it get in the rock??
Found a beautiful fossil crab hiding in a rock ~12m years old #shorts #fossil #nz
Fossil hunter discovers rare shark tooth hidden inside a rock
Overnight fossil hike adventure: Day 2 - it gets fishier! Plus an update on the 3D models
Valentines Day free 3D model download #shorts #LoveNotes
#short I found a shark tooth inside a concretion today!
Fossil camping trip: Day 1 Jan 2022
I found a rare fossil from an ancient whale! Fossil hunting adventure on the South Island
Fossil crab prep: let's try and remove all the rock!
Mamlambo Fossils: Fossil crab prep at 10x speed!
My current prepping project, its going to be a bit different! #short #fossil
Top 10 fossil finds of 2021: whale skulls, dolphin teeth, giant crabs, plesiosaurs and more!
Christmas crab fossil hunt - racing the tide to retrieve my biggest crab yet! 🦀🦀🦀
My biggest crab yet! 🦀 it probably weighs close to 150lbs in the rock!
Incredibly rare fossil shark tooth prep - potential transitional tooth! New Zealand's first?!
Fossil hunting adventure: the mystery tooth thing, mummified fish and a cool crab
Giant bones! I find a collection of very large bones encased in rock
This rare shark tooth is potentially a hubbelli which would be the first one found in NZ!
12 million year old crab covered in rock
50k giveaway! Making a realistic fossil replica, painting it, and then giving it away!
Fossil hunting hike along the beach produces some really good finds
Rare juvenile plesiosaurus bone cluster found and prepped
Finding a $2000 torpedo and a mystery fossil bone on a secluded beach
Leopard seals, fossil shark teeth and a mystery fossil
Dinosaur aged fossil reveal - my first adventure with acid prepping reveals something amazing
Fossil hunting: I find the coolest little crab fossil
Back for more of that 8 million year old fossil whale skull! Spoiler: it's heavy!
Sifting for fossil shark teeth in New Zealand
Mystery fossil crab and another part of the whale skull jigsaw puzzle - fossil hunting New Zealand
Fossil hunting adventure with a fossil tooth, crabs and some rock cutting!
Fossil hunting and exploring a new area with some fossil prepping!
Giant fossil crab: How did I know it was in there? And how did it get in there?!
MONSTER fossil crab prep - the 50lbs crab finally gets prepped... and it's a beast!
The missing fossil wedge - finding a missing piece of SKULL and mailbag
Chasing rumours of fossil penguins - fossil hunting a new site
Tooth or claw? I find an interesting fossil bone cluster with a mystery fossil inside
Fossil skull! Race against the tide to retrieve part of the fossil skull before it gets covered
GIVEAWAY & Maker's Challenge: Prepping a tiny and very difficult Pulalius vulgaris fossil crab (USA)
Rare fossil whale skull and a mystery rock found - my heaviest fossil day yet!
My BIGGEST vertebrae yet! Fossil hunting a new spot in a remote corner of New Zealand
Two days of fossil hunting in New Zealand and a bit of a mystery fossil prep
Big fossil shark tooth! It's from a super rare transitional Great White shark and I try and prep it
Unexpected midnight fossil hunt and prep - I find a new fossil site!
Exposing a difficult crab fossil - 25 hours of work in 4 minutes of video
Fossil hunt and fossil prep: super rare crab, ear bones and we some cool amber
Fossil hunting ancient storm deposits
Fossil Prep: Discover what is inside a fossil crab and why it glows
Top 10 fossil finds of 2020
Fossil prep: plesiosaur bone cluster mystery
A quick fossil hunt: my first fossil leaves (Fossil Road Trip Day 1)
Fossil hunting New Zealand: a chilled hunt with some cool fossils
Baking greensand, a different way to find fossil shark teeth
Fossil hunting: Finding plenty of petrified plesiosaur parts!
River fossil hunting adventure: rare plesiosaur bone discovery and retrieval
Mystery fossil reveal: prepping the weird looking concretion to see what is hiding inside
Fossil crab giveaway winner announcement
Fossil hunting: 2 days of shark vertebrae, bone clusters and a mystery fossil
ENTRIES CLOSED: Giveaway! Fossil vulgaris crab prep and competition
Fossil prep: suspected 19-million-year-old fossil in a very soft matrix
Rare 50-million-year-old rare fossil skull - one of my best fossil hunts yet!
A bucket of fossil shark teeth and fossil Groot - fossil hunting in New Zealand
Fossil prep: the large, mega shark vertebrae
35-million-year-old fossils in a New Zealand mountain stream
Fossil hunting adventure: interesting bone clusters, cetacean bone and more
Monster shark fossil found
BIIIIIG fossil crabs! One of my best fossil hunts
Miocene fossil shark teeth and a one-handed prep - broken hand fossil hunt series
The fossil shark hunt with a surprise song feat Breakmaster Cylinder
Fossil hunting and exploring some hidden valleys
Fantastic Fossil Find - Large articulated vertebrae and some acid prepping
Fossil hunting a new area and a tricky fossil prep - fossil crabs, bird skull and a large nautiloid
Fossil hunt and mystery bone prep: Cretaceous critter adventure
Fossil find and prep (kinda): Mystery fossils, fossil vertebrae and more!
CRAZY weird shark tooth and a mystery fossil prep
Fossil hunt and prep: exploring a remote beach for fossils and finding a few mystery pieces
Fossil hunting and exploring - I head off to a new site, find fossils and prep them
Pre-lockdown fossil hunt and prep: A full backpack and some mystery concretions
12-million-year-old fossil crab find and prep - both sides this time!
Fossil shark teeth hunt - I find a tooth from the Megalodon's Cretaceous ancestor
Fossil turtle, crabs, whale and fish - fossil hunting for Miocene era treasures
Fossil hunt adventure - I go back to where I found the whale skull to find some Miocene fossils
Fossil crab find and prep: from rock to collectable piece (time-lapse) 4K
Part 2: Retrieving the Petrified Wood Tree Stump - Fossil adventure in New Zealand
Part 1: Retrieving a large chunk of petrified wood - a challenging fossil hunt
Plesiosaurus paddle discovered - fossil hunting a new spot for Cretaceous dinosaurs
Exploring a new area for fossils with a bonus sheep rescue
Finding an old friend - fossil hunting for large birds
Big fossil bones - fossil hunting New Zealand
Creepy fossil hunting adventure - exploring a new area
Giant fossil bird bone - my first Moa bone!
Winners for the 2000 subscriber draw
[CLOSED] GIVEAWAY : Megalodon teeth, petrified wood and more!
Fossil hunting hike day 2: Epic fossil find!
Fossil find and prep: Tumidocarcinus Giganteus fossil preparation time-lapse
Fossil hunting hike day 1: Bucket list find!
Fossil hunting a new area: crabs and some great shells
Fetching the 400 lbs fossil whale skull - fossil hunting in New Zealand, Motunau beach
Fossil skull found - fossil hunting at Motunau Beach
Fetching the 100lbs fossil whale bones plus I find some other great fossils!
Digging a 100lbs fossil concretion out of a cliff... guess what is inside!
Fossil shark teeth and exploring a new area... fossil hunting in the Waipara river
My BIGGEST fossil shark tooth find, a beautiful crab and bonus fossil prep time-lapse
Fossil whale and dolphin bones - bonus seal show! Fossil hunting on a New Zealand beach
Plesiosaur fossil find! Hunting for Cretaceous fossils in New Zealand
Mysterious bone cluster found - fossil hunting on the South Island, NZ
Fossil asparagus, shark teeth and more! Fossil hunting in New Zealand
Marine fossil deposits - now with more eel
Fossil hunting in the bone line - CSI edition
Fossil hunting and exploring beach cliffs... now with glue!
12-million-year-old fossil crab unboxed
Fossil hunting New Zealand: shark teeth
Petrified wood hunting in New Zealand rivers
Rusty Hammer Restoration
Fossil hunting - I find a MONSTER fossil crab
Fossil hunting and beachcombing Canterbury, New Zealand
Fossil hunting on a remote New Zealand beach
Fossil hunting - finding a perfect fossil concretion
Enormous fossil found in New Zealand river
Fossil hunting in a New Zealand river
Giant fossil crabs on a New Zealand beach